16 Things To Do Before Your Next Relationship

In conversations with experienced relationship coaches, one of the most common pitfalls people fall prey to when it comes to matters of the heart is rushing from one relationship to another without taking the time to focus on personal growth and self-reflection. A staggering number of individuals fail to pause and ask themselves if a romantic partnership is truly what they need at that particular moment in their lives.

It’s crucial to recognize that a healthy and fulfilling relationship can only be established when an individual has first prioritized their own well-being. With this understanding, it’s essential to take the necessary steps before diving into another relationship. Our advice is to focus on personal development, self-awareness, and introspection before considering a new romantic venture.


Photo Credit: artizenyoga

When navigating the aftermath of a past relationship, it’s crucial to acknowledge the emotional toll it can take. The healing process requires time and space to come to terms with the experience and allow yourself to mend. Only when you’ve had the opportunity to process your emotions and find closure can you begin to cultivate the kind of emotional availability that fosters healthy connections.

Spend some time alone

Spend some time alone
Photo Credit: viralscape

It’s essential to recognize that solitude is not something to be ashamed of. In fact, embracing alone time can have numerous benefits for our mental and emotional well-being. By making time for introspection, we’re able to recharge and gain clarity on our thoughts and feelings. Whether it’s watching a movie, reading a book, or simply sitting in silence, the quiet moments spent with ourselves can be incredibly rejuvenating.

Also spend some time with your girlfriends

Also spend some time with your girlfriends
Photo Credit: athomeinlove

Unleash the transformative power of sisterhood by prioritizing quality time with your closest friends. This bonding experience not only fosters a sense of belonging but also provides a platform for emotional support, motivational encouragement, and valuable life advice. By doing so, you’ll gain a deeper understanding on how to effectively navigate past experiences and cultivate a positive outlook for the future.

Reflect on what you did wrong

Reflect on what you did wrong
Photo Credit: commentsmeme

When assessing the past relationship, it’s essential to take a holistic approach. Instead of solely focusing on your ex’s mistakes, reflect on your own role in its demise. Acknowledge what you could’ve done differently, and use this self-awareness to grow and improve for future relationships. By doing so, you’ll be better equipped to recognize your own patterns and tendencies that may have contributed to the relationship’s downfall.

Ask your platonic male friends for advice

Ask your platonic male friends for advice
Photo Credit: photobucket

When seeking insight from an outside perspective, it’s easy to overlook the value that platonic male friends can bring to the table. While girlfriends can provide a valuable female-centric view, it’s also beneficial to seek out advice and perspectives from men who are close enough to you to understand your situation. By doing so, you’re essentially getting two sides of the same coin – and this can be incredibly enlightening.

Your platonic male friends may offer unique insights that you wouldn’t have considered otherwise, giving you a more well-rounded understanding of what’s going on. So, don’t be afraid to tap into their expertise and gain a fresh perspective.

Do some pampering

Do some pampering
Photo Credit: hydroxatone

After a draining experience like a tumultuous relationship, a gentle dose of self-care can work wonders for revitalizing one’s spirit. Treat yourself to a rejuvenating break from the daily grind by indulging in relaxing activities such as a manicure or massage therapy. To further soothe your senses, create a tranquil atmosphere by adding fragrant rose petals to your bathwater and letting the warm waters envelop you in comfort.

Avoid having sex (again) too soon

Avoid having sex (again) too soon
Photo Credit: thisweekinmormons

The notion that getting over an ex involves immediately jumping into a new sexual encounter is a misconception. In reality, having sex too soon after a breakup or using it as a coping mechanism can lead to more confusion and emotional turmoil than liberation. Instead of relying on sex as a solution, it’s essential to integrate intimacy into a healthy situation that allows for genuine connection and self-reflection.

This cannot be forced or rushed, as it requires time, space, and a willingness to confront one’s true emotions.

Go on a trip

Go on a trip
Photo Credit: isic

Embracing novelty can be as simple as taking a short excursion or an extended getaway. The key is to step out of your comfort zone and experience something entirely new. Whether it’s a day trip to a nearby city or a longer journey, the thrill of discovery can have a profound impact on one’s outlook and perspective.

Post some self-affirming quotes

Post some self-affirming quotes
Photo Credit: blogspot

Packing your space with empowering quotes can have a profound impact on your mindset. The beauty of quotes lies in their concise yet profound wisdom, making it easy to absorb valuable insights. When you surround yourself with affirmations focused on healing, growth, self-esteem, and goal setting, you’ll begin to cultivate a more positive and uplifting atmosphere. Try printing out or writing down your favorite quotes and placing them strategically around your home.

As you glance at these reminders of your strengths and capabilities, you may find yourself feeling increasingly confident and motivated.

Think about why you want to be in a relationship

Think about why you want to be in a relationship
Photo Credit: blogspot

Before pursuing a romantic relationship, take a step back and reflect on your motivations. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of finding someone special or the pressure to conform to societal norms. However, by acknowledging why you want to be in a relationship, you’ll gain valuable insight into what you’re truly looking for. This introspection can help you identify patterns, desires, and potential deal-breakers that may not have been apparent otherwise.

Get rid of your ex’s stuff

Get rid of your ex’s stuff
Photo Credit: telegraph

It’s time to take control of your post-breakup space and let go of lingering memories. We’re not suggesting a complete destruction, unless, of course, your ex was particularly toxic. However, having all those reminders scattered around can hinder your emotional progress. Consider storing them away, like old photos or mementos, reserving the occasional nostalgic glance for special moments. By doing so, you’ll be creating a healthier mental environment and paving the way for personal growth.

Do some social media “spring cleaning”

Do some social media “spring cleaning”
Photo Credit: lockergnome

As the seasons change, it’s a good idea to give your social media presence a fresh start by distancing yourself from an ex who still lingers in your feeds. Whether the relationship ended amicably or not, constantly seeing what they’re up to (and who they’re sharing those moments with) can be a major obstacle to moving on. To avoid the temptation to compare their lives to yours and potentially stir up negative emotions, consider ‘hiding’ their posts from view.

And if you find yourself compulsively checking their Instagram or other platforms out of habit or curiosity, take a step back and reassess why you’re doing so. Remember that constant exposure can only lead to feelings of hurt or frustration.

Do some casual dating

Do some casual dating
Photo Credit: huffpost

While it’s true that we believe in taking things slow when it comes to getting into a serious relationship, casual dating can be a fantastic way to dip your toes into the dating pool without fully committing. By taking things at a relaxed pace, you’re allowing yourself the freedom to explore different personalities and experiences, potentially leading to new connections and opportunities.

Forgive yourself

Forgive yourself
Photo Credit: tattooideas22

Healing requires a willingness to let go of regret and accept our past mistakes. We’ve all made errors, done things we wish we could undo or redo. But the past remains exactly that – behind us. To move forward, we must learn to forgive ourselves for those transgressions. Not just to justify our actions, but to free ourselves from the burden of what-ifs and maybes. By embracing this forgiveness, we can commit to doing better in the present, knowing that the next opportunity will arise.

Forgive your ex

Forgive your ex
Photo Credit: mirror

When seeking closure after an ending, many of us are tempted to harbor resentment towards our former partner. However, this toxic cycle of holding onto past grievances can ultimately do more harm than good. Forgiving your ex doesn’t condone their wrongdoings; instead, it liberates you from the burden of rehashing those painful memories repeatedly.

Make some personal future plans

Make some personal future plans
Photo Credit: huffingtonpost

If you’re dissatisfied with the current state of your life, rest assured that you have the ability to transform it. The key lies in setting goals for both your professional and personal spheres. With a clear sense of direction and a willingness to take action, you can break free from stagnation and unlock a brighter future. By making concrete plans, you’ll be empowered to create meaningful change and usher in a new era of growth and fulfillment.

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