17 Things You Definitely Deserve In Your Relationship

It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of being in a relationship, but what’s more important is being in one that truly deserves your time and energy. Unfortunately, many women settle for less than they deserve, prioritizing someone else’s happiness over their own. As Maureen Dowd so astutely noted, ‘When you settle for less than you deserve, you end up getting less than what you settled for.

‘ That’s why it’s crucial to take a step back and assess whether your relationship is truly healthy or just going through the motions. Are you receiving the love, respect, and care that you deserve? Or are you settling for scraps? By taking an honest look at your situation, you can start making changes to cultivate a more fulfilling connection with someone who genuinely values and supports you.


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When it comes to love, it’s not just about hearing the right words from your partner. It’s also about seeing their actions reflect the importance of you in their life. This isn’t something that should happen sporadically – you deserve to feel loved consistently, every single day.


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Respect in relationships is often overlooked, but it’s a crucial element. At its core, respect means being valued and esteemed. In the context of a romantic partnership, respect encompasses multiple aspects: physical, emotional, and psychological. It’s essential to recognize that your body, feelings, desires, and needs should be respected. A relationship where respect is lacking can be identified by its absence – you’ll either feel valued or ignored.

The absence of respect is palpable, leaving no room for doubt.


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When a couple decides to make their relationship exclusive, it’s essential to understand that this commitment entails being faithful to each other. In other words, neither partner should be seeing anyone else romantically or emotionally. It’s about having someone who genuinely means what they say and says what they mean. A partner who confidently declares ‘you’re the only one’ without hesitation is a testament to their loyalty.

This unwavering dedication is something to cherish, as it indicates that your significant other is committed to being honest with you, not just in words but also in actions.


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While many people equate honesty solely with telling the truth, it encompasses a broader spectrum of qualities. Honesty involves not only being truthful but also being honorable, sincere, and fair. These characteristics are essential when building trust and intimacy in any relationship, where you expect to receive respect, loyalty, and authenticity from your partner.


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While patience often gets reduced to simply waiting, it’s actually about handling challenges with composure. A patient individual will remain calm and level-headed in the face of obstacles, rather than letting frustration or anger take over. This means they won’t lash out impulsively or become irritated when mistakes are made. In fact, love is often described as being patient, but does that mean you’re reciprocating patience in your relationships?

Take a moment to reflect on how you respond to challenges with those around you.


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While sex and affection are often intertwined, they are not one and the same. When someone shows affection, it can manifest in various ways – from physical touch like hugs or hand-holding to more subtle expressions of love. The key takeaway is that intimacy doesn’t always have to be a precursor to sexual activity. Every woman has the right to experience tender moments with someone who understands the value of affectionate gestures, regardless of their romantic intentions.


Photo Credit: cdn77

The essence of a true friendship lies in the freedom to be one’s authentic self, without fear of judgment or rejection. This kind of bond is built on trust, where a friend has your back no matter what life throws at you. They prioritize your well-being and happiness above all else, making them an invaluable part of our lives.


Photo Credit: thequotepedia

Inconsistency can be a major obstacle in achieving one’s goals and aspirations. It’s not enough to have all the right elements in place if they’re not sustained over time. Everyone deserves a sense of stability and predictability, where they know what to expect from themselves and others. Unfortunately, many people settle for inconsistent behavior and relationships, which can be frustrating and demotivating.

The truth is, you deserve so much better than that – a consistent version of yourself and the people around you.


Photo Credit: allwomenstalk

Embracing our genuine selves, flaws and all, is a liberating experience. When someone truly cares about us, they accept us wholeheartedly, without condition or expectation of change. They see the beauty in our imperfections and find value in who we are, right now. This unconditional acceptance is a powerful reminder that we don’t need to strive for perfection; our authentic selves are more than enough.


Photo Credit: craveonline

While men who embody traditional chivalry may be fewer in number today, they do indeed still exist. However, it’s essential to note that many women no longer necessitate such gentlemanly gestures from their partners. In fact, it’s often the case that a woman will only truly appreciate and value these actions if she’s with someone who consistently demonstrates them.

Ultimately, if you’re looking for a man who embodies chivalry, don’t settle for anything less – you deserve to have your door held open and your seat pulled out, if that’s what brings you joy.


Photo Credit: lovetoknow

When we think about kindness, it’s natural to wonder what exactly it entails. At its core, kindness refers to the qualities of being gentle, supportive, and thoughtful. Does your partner embody these traits in his interactions with you?

Having your needs met

Having your needs met
Photo Credit: wisegeek

A relationship’s foundation relies on mutual fulfillment, where both parties meet each other’s emotional and practical needs. It’s pointless to invest in a partnership where your partner is catering solely to their own desires without reciprocating or showing genuine concern for yours. A reliable connection requires an active listener who prioritizes your well-being as much as you prioritize theirs.

A sense of humor

A sense of humor
Photo Credit: inspiredbythis

Navigating the ups and downs of relationships can be a daunting task, but it’s often the ability to find the humor in challenging situations that helps us persevere. A healthy dose of laughter and wit can serve as a valuable coping mechanism, allowing us to approach difficulties with a more optimistic outlook.


Photo Credit: stylemepretty

When navigating the ups and downs of a long-term relationship, it’s almost inevitable that you’ll face a significant obstacle or receive devastating news at some point. In these moments, having your partner’s unwavering support can be a lifeline. So, ask yourself: do you feel confident that you already have his emotional backing when you need it most?


Photo Credit: modwedding

As you embark on this journey, you’ll encounter various milestones, including exams, interviews, and personal goals. It’s essential that your partner is someone who can offer unwavering support and encouragement. A true champion of your success, providing a constant stream of motivation and positivity to help you push through any obstacles and celebrate your triumphs.

An ear to listen

An ear to listen
Photo Credit: elitedaily

The breakdown of many relationships can be attributed to the absence of effective communication. A crucial aspect of this is the art of listening. When both parties fail to truly hear each other out, misunderstandings and resentment can quickly build up. In such cases, it’s not uncommon for one person to dominate conversations, interrupting or dismissing their partner’s thoughts and feelings. This lack of empathy can be a significant obstacle to building trust and intimacy in a relationship.

A shoulder to cry on

A shoulder to cry on
Photo Credit: huffingtonpost

When the going gets tough and life seems to be getting the better of us, we all need someone to turn to, offering a comforting presence and a listening ear. It’s a reassuring feeling knowing that our partner is there for us, providing a shoulder to cry on when we’re struggling. For many of us, this sense of emotional support is essential in helping us navigate life’s ups and downs.

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