10 Signs Youre Dating One Of The Good Guys

When it comes to dating, every girl dreams of finding ‘the one’. But what’s the point of going on a first date, eating at a trendy new restaurant or watching the latest blockbuster with friends? When you’re with someone, it’s about building a connection and seeing if that initial spark can grow into something more meaningful. The last thing anyone wants is to waste weeks dating someone only to realize they’re not as invested as you are, or worse, hiding aspects of their personality.

Time is precious – we can’t get it back. So, before your next first date, let’s explore some tips for identifying the good guys… or not.

He’s attentive.

He’s attentive.
Photo Credit: lifehack

When you’re on a date with someone who’s attentive, it’s often evident from the get-go. Within the initial five minutes, you’ll likely notice him maintaining eye contact while engaging in conversation, his phone remaining out of sight, and going above and beyond to ensure your comfort and satisfaction throughout the evening.

He’s honest.

He’s honest.
Photo Credit: shareasimage

He’s honest.

When it comes to the concept of honesty in relationships, many people often equate it with faithfulness, but a truly honest person is more than just faithful to their partner. They demonstrate honorable intentions, fairness towards those around them, and a strong commitment to their personal values and morals. In essence, an honest individual embodies integrity. This trait is not limited to being truthful in one’s actions or words; it also encompasses being reliable, dependable, and consistent.

In the dating world, there are certain signs that indicate you’re with someone who genuinely possesses these qualities. For instance, if your partner consistently makes an effort to stay in touch, whether through phone calls, texts, or surprise gestures, it may be a sign that they value your relationship and are willing to put in the work to maintain it.

These thoughtful individuals will often let you know that you’re on their mind, and that they’re invested in keeping you there for the long haul.

He’s friendly (to everyone).

He’s friendly (to everyone).
Photo Credit: amazingviewscabinrentals

On the surface, he may put on a charming facade to win your heart, but true character often shines through in how they interact with others. As you navigate the early stages of dating, remember that he’s still trying to make a good impression. This means he’ll likely behave impeccably towards you, but also observe how he treats those around him, such as waitstaff or strangers. A genuinely friendly and kind individual tends to radiate warmth, making it difficult to conceal their true nature.

Similarly, someone with a rough exterior often reveals their underlying temperament through their behavior towards others.

He’s romantic.

He’s romantic.
Photo Credit: tahoeunveiled

Romance doesn’t have to break the bank; it simply requires creativity and imagination. Take a cue from the simple yet effective gestures of the past. Renting a boat for a day can be just as romantic as a lavish affair, and often more memorable. A mid-day picnic, surprise rose deliveries, or even a spontaneous kiss in the rain – these are the kinds of moments that make your heart skip a beat.

If your significant other is making an effort to create these special moments, you’re likely dealing with a genuine charmer.

He’s proactive.

He’s proactive.
Photo Credit: wordpress

When discussing relationship pet peeves with women, it’s unlikely you’ll hear ‘he’s not proactive enough’ explicitly stated. However, if you listen closely, this is often what they’re trying to convey. As the saying goes, it’s better to avoid doing something that requires an apology than apologizing for having done it in the first place. This adage holds significant value when considering relationships.

While it’s crucial for women to recognize that men aren’t instinctive mind readers and should share their needs openly, a proactive partner will take note of these expectations. By demonstrating investment in the relationship through proactive actions rather than simply reacting to feedback, he shows his commitment and avoids potential misunderstandings.

He’s patient.

While it’s true that many people engage in casual hook-ups, this doesn’t mean everyone is on board with a one-night stand or even intimacy after just a few dates. If you’re someone who prefers to take things slow and wait for the right moment, that’s perfectly reasonable. And here’s the thing: a genuine partner will respect and support your decision, knowing that you’re worth the effort.

He’ll be patient, not rushing into anything, because he values your emotional connection and is willing to put in the time to build something meaningful with you.

He’s consistent.

He’s consistent.
Photo Credit: chicbrownbride

Consistency is often misunderstood as being dull or predictable, but it’s actually a valuable quality that allows individuals to be dependable and reliable. When someone is consistent, they mean what they say and say what they mean. This means that if they commit to calling you within an hour, you can count on them to do so (give or take a few minutes). Similarly, if they promise to pick you up after work, you won’t need to rely on others for a ride.

Consistency is like having a trusted pair of pajamas – it’s always there for you and provides a sense of comfort and security.

He’s not a commitment-phobe.

He’s not a commitment-phobe.
Photo Credit: nzmuse

In today’s dating landscape, it’s more than acceptable to prioritize casual connections. However, when someone is looking for something more meaningful, they deserve to be with a partner who shares their aspirations. It’s not about labeling men as ‘commitment-phobes,’ but rather recognizing that some individuals may struggle with the idea of taking things to the next level.

The red flag arises when a guy knows what you’re looking for, invests time and effort into getting to know you, only to become anxious or resistant when the topic of commitment is broached. This behavior often stems from underlying issues, rather than any inherent flaw in your character. It’s essential to be aware of these warning signs and prioritize self-respect by avoiding situations that may leave you feeling uncertain or unworthy.

He’s always raising the bar.

He’s always raising the bar.
Photo Credit: wikihow

Imagine walking into a transformed living room, lit up like a mini fortress. It’s a sign that the man in your life is not only meeting, but exceeding your expectations. He’s the type who surprises you with thoughtful gestures and goes above and beyond to make you feel special. When someone does what you never thought possible, you know you’ve got something truly special on your hands.

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